Forgotten Homestead (9x12)
Not far from our house the geography gets rural pretty quickly. In fact, I'd like to live in such surroundings instead of the area we're in now -- we're close to the country, but still surrounded by freeways and suburban grid... Out where the above scene was painted, you could actually live on farmland without necessarily being a "farmer" just cost money. But for now, it's still free to go paint there as long as you ask permission of land owners (where appropriate). Most of the time, people are fine with it, although there are exceptions...
Somewhere on Sauvie Island...
Here is a good example of plein air-phobia aimed at passive artists such as yours truly. Of course this could have been posted by a disgruntled painter who couldn't find an ideal place to set up, or it's an official one-off alteration penned by Ranger Rick for an ITP* (intent to paint) warning...
Either way, I ignored such nonsense and forged ahead to sketch the piece above -- it was a beautiful summer day on the island and I enjoyed the company of a couple of artists friends taking in the scenery..... (now as soon as someone can bail us out of the county jail, I'm sure they'll forgive me for suggesting this location...)