Summer Outbuildings (12x12) oil on linen SOLD!
One of the first ever local paintings to capture my attention was many years ago in a small gallery somewhere between here and the Oregon coast. We used to stop there as a rest point on our way to the beach and check out the art. One day as I was walking thru the gallery, I spotted a small (maybe 6x8 or 8x10) plein air sketch called "Outbuildings". It was a small masterpiece (to me anyway) very brief, very textural and creamy; everything I like in an oil painting -- the kind that makes an artist want to head out and paint right then and there...
Unfortunately, I never made memory of the artist's name. Looking back, I assume they were local as it was a local scene, but even inquiring with the gallery staff months later, they could not help me identify the artist or the painting (which was long gone by then).
Whomever the mystery artist was, they have never returned to that gallery as far as I know (I still look every time we pass that way). I've never seen anything remotely like that little gem since, but it did leave a lasting impression; one that continues to inspire me as I hope some of my paintings will do for others... Well done mystery painter, wherever you are!