Monday, April 1, 2013

Back to Work...

 "Night Shift" (20x24) o/p

Back at it in the studio today, and thankful for a wonderful weekend with family and is good (because it's life)...



  1. Une autre très belle toile... Vous êtes très talentueux, non seulement vous peignez merveilleusement bien mais vous capturez les émotions les plus profondes de vos personnages.
    Bravo !
    gros bisous à vous.

  2. I enjoyed looking closely at how you treated the shadows in this. The light that seems to be reflected from her shirt onto her left arm. The subtle light coming from the left side. When you study it, it looks like either a Television or fluorescent light coming from the left side of the painting...of course the pose and her expression are what make the viewer think about this one. Good subject.
