Monday, July 7, 2014

Landscape Variables:

 "Harmony in Silver" (12x16) oil on linen

This piece was painted in Spring near our home in Oregon just before a late afternoon rain storm hit (from behind me). Some of the best 'sky-drama' is right after or right before a storm; clouds are moving, colour is changing -- the design of the sky can determine your entire composition, and often become the focal point of it...I packed up and ran to the car just in time!

 "Sonoma Sunrise" (6x8) oil on panel

This little sketch was painted at dawn (and sold) during the Sonoma Plein Air show in California last October. I knew from the previous morning where the sun would hit first, so I was already set up before light. The intense blue is due to the moisture in the valley and made for a stark contrast of temperature as the sun hit the hilltop -- a very fast, but rewarding execution that I would never have captured with the same spontaneity from a photograph...

"Oak Cluster" (9x12) oil on canvas

This one was done on my way home from the beach in Oregon wine country (not sure what town it was closest to). Early in the evening, I was fortunate to find a spot to pull off the road where usually there is none (as local farmers like to plow every square foot of soil). This was last summer when the sun was low and colour was most intense. Setting sunlight on a subject can make for a more interesting composition with long-stretching shadow patterns like these...


  1. Ever notice how outdoor painters can cut it close when it comes to rain? I've gotten wet, but most of the time it seems I have this internal rain clock that let's me know the last minute to start packing up.

  2. Great observation of color applied 'on the run' gives them authenticity as you say, beyond a photo; but it's your inherent understanding of tone that really gets me - great work.

    BTW - do you make your own frames or use a local company? The dark grey/gold on the Sunrise really makes it pop!

  3. Pushing it to the edge as always Eric. Love the color and stories behind each, especially the rain dodging. Done it several times here in Oregon and beyond. :)
