Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays!

"Desafinado" (18x18)

Well it's just about Christmas time and I'm sitting here with a bad cold, but enjoying some family who flew in to surprise me on Friday for my birthday. Birthdays are one way to mark the passing of time, but when you're an artist, so are your paintings... I hope my work is improving as the years go by, but I certainly know my approach and knowledge of painting is changing with time...


Here are two new pieces heading for Bonner David Galleries in Scottsdale, Arizona. I am still much interested in music-themed work (obviously) so I am continuing that exploration. As writers are best when they write about what they know, so too is art when artists paint subject matter they understand or have connection with...

"Instruction in Grace" (16x12)

I have been reading a book on drawing by Robert Fawcett (British 1903 - 1967) that is strongly influencing. Drawing is a broad term that applies to all stages of a painting; from rough sketch on paper to finishing strokes on canvas -- it's all rests on design (which is drawing, which is design).


Fawcett says in his book (from 1958) "The artist cannot communicate unless he understands, and the moment of understanding becomes the moment of communication." I know from my own frustrating experiences that I do best when I have understanding about something. Understanding something happens when interest develops beyond casual to passionate, and when you can convey that passion through imagery...well, then you've got something.

Hopefully that will become apparent in my paintings some day (
preferably before my next birthday) but until then, have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!


  1. Vous me communiquez une émotion... Je ne connais rien en à la danse, je n'ai malheureusement pas reçu d'éducation à ce sujet. Cependant grâce à votre peinture vous entrouvrez une porte, celle de mon ravissement et de mon plaisir à imaginer au-delà de ce que j'admire et que vous nous montrez...
    Joyeuses fêtes à vous et à tous ceux que vous aimez.

  2. This is freakin' cool Eric! I LOVE your jazz paintings. When I was working as an illustrator way back when, I did some work for GRP Records doing jazz CD covers, but none of them is as good as any of yours.

    Happy Holidays~

  3. A person could run out of superlatives!

  4. your work is already wonderfully fantastically great!
